matBURN » Events » Southern Tier Wrestling Conference Tournament
1st Annual Southern Tier Wrestling Conference Holiday Tournament

Wrestling Tournament
@ Falconer High School (Falconer, New York)
Friday, December 29, 1961

Inches To Go
Inches To Go
SOURCE: Jamestown Post-Journal, Saturday, December 30, 1961.

Album: General

Inches To Go Up and Out Southern Tier Mat Champs Gowanda Adds Wrestling Presitige in Holiday Tourney 106 High School Wrestlers Poised for Meet at Falconer Proud Trophy Winners Invitational Set for Wrestlers on December 29 Randolph Wrestlers Participate in Invitational Tourney Today Mat Tourney on at Falconer

Varsity (Level: Scholastic, Style: Folkstyle)
Participating Teams
Cassadaga Valley [NY], Cattaraugus [NY], Falconer [NY], Gowanda [NY], Pine Valley [NY], Randolph [NY], Salamanca [NY], Silver Creek [NY], Southwestern [NY]
Team Final
1. Gowanda [NY]  97 points
2. Falconer [NY]  66
3. Southwestern [NY]  47
4. Silver Creek [NY]  44
5. Randolph [NY]  36
Salamanca [NY]  36
7. Cattaraugus [NY]  24
8. Cassadaga Valley [NY]  21
9. Pine Valley [NY]  20
Championship Final (1st)
95 lbs: Dan Evans (Cattaraugus [NY]) > Dick Laroy (Cassadaga Valley [NY]), DEC 6-0
103 lbs: Howard Gabel (Gowanda [NY]) > Terry Foxton (Silver Creek [NY]), DEC 4-1
112 lbs: Chuck Grinols (Salamanca [NY]) > Ray Cross (Silver Creek [NY]), DEC 7-1
120 lbs: Lyle "Sarge" Boss (Gowanda [NY]) > Gary Lefford (Falconer [NY]), DEC 4-2
127 lbs: Pat Gordon (Gowanda [NY]) > Jack Waddington (Falconer [NY]), FALL 3:46
133 lbs: Stan Cross (Silver Creek [NY]) > Paul Twoguns (Gowanda [NY]), DEC 9-2
138 lbs: Doug Fancher (Pine Valley [NY]) > Dick Thorp (Southwestern [NY]), DEC 2-0
145 lbs: Roger Bull (Silver Creek [NY]) > Jerry Todaro (Southwestern [NY]), FALL 1:11
154 lbs: Len Layhew (Gowanda [NY]) > George Cameron (Falconer [NY]), OTD 2-1 (1OT)
165 lbs: Robert Weaver (Randolph [NY]) > Clark Cowen (Falconer [NY]), FALL 7:23
180 lbs: Ray Pachucinski (Gowanda [NY]) > Ron Lindstrom (Southwestern [NY]), DEC 2-1
UNL: Jim Ridall (Cattaraugus [NY]) > Hank Preiss (Randolph [NY]), DEC 7-3
Consolation Final (3rd)
95 lbs: Carl Brigiotta (Falconer [NY]) > Tom Mellor (Southwestern [NY]), DEC 3-1
103 lbs: John Krieger (Salamanca [NY]) > Joe Sluga (Randolph [NY]), DEC 3-1
112 lbs: Karl Lawson (Cassadaga Valley [NY]) > Clair Inkley (Randolph [NY]), DEC 4-2
120 lbs: Roger Hohenstein (Silver Creek [NY]) > Jim Johnson (Southwestern [NY]), DEC 6-4
127 lbs: Gary Olson (Southwestern [NY]) > Paul Grafstrom (Cassadaga Valley [NY]), DEC 3-2
133 lbs: Bob Laroy (Falconer [NY]) > Dave Quattrone (Salamanca [NY]), DFLT time?
138 lbs: Joe Allette (Falconer [NY]) > Harry Deeley (Randolph [NY]), FALL 2:31
145 lbs: Ed White (Gowanda [NY]) > Charles Lamb (Falconer [NY]), DEC 8-4
154 lbs: James Burk (Southwestern [NY]) > Dave Nash (Pine Valley [NY]), DEC 2-1
165 lbs: Jim Roff (Salamanca [NY]) > Dan Harp (Southwestern [NY]), DEC 3-2
180 lbs: Mike Bermingham (Salamanca [NY]) > Rod Stankey (Pine Valley [NY]), DEC 3-2
UNL: Chuck Light (Salamanca [NY]) > Rich Jimerson (Gowanda [NY]), FALL 2:57


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